Wake County is notorious for concealing their illegal activities.  The changed their "hiring and recruitment program" and as a policy just to not respond to public calls, letters, emails, and faxes.  They literally just plea the "fifth" all the time, and, lol, "remain silent".  wow.  Of course, if you apply for a position, they will not tell you outright "we hired a friend" or "one of our own".   Open and competitive hiring is what is needed.  What is even worse is when you hire female employees at a men's center and do nothing when those employees "sleep with" the guests and exploit them.  Wow.    Don't answer anything and conceal and plead the fifth.  wow.

This was content from an email to the county tonight (below).

Greetings, please see the attached last request for documentation.  Also, on a side note, SWSC is a 24 hour 7 day facility.  Thereat are housed mail boxes for county employees like Frank, whom works right there, regardless of being on vacation.   Hence, if a county employee complains they were retaliated against for accepting service of process for Frank, they were yelled at, called into his office, disparaged, that would go against county policy, period, end of story (acts towards retaliation).  That is unprofessional conduct and conduct showing the wilful acts on the part of the county to conceal their discriminatory behavior.   It is listed in all public places the facility is 24/7, period, and you work there Frank.  You instructed employees not to receive letters and service of process.  Wow.  This is more evidence to sub the OCR complaint.  Wow 

The request on google drive 

Jenifer Jones County Attorney doc